罗再华 疑 郑德杨 **,**曝光
时间:2009-10-29 |浏览次数:2997
淘宝考试服务: QQ:121719780 手机:139-8703-2104 (淘宝违规考试答案 淘宝入驻商城考试 淘宝天猫考试答案)
罗再华 在2009年10月29日 11:31 发表文章,题《***曝光,郑德杨疑**》。
注释:改文与事实不符合,严重违反 郑德杨消息互联网传播 有关规定,部分内容被屏蔽。“小豆丁”应为“小逗丁”;“柚子”亦罗再华,郑德杨官方网站特此标注。
Luo Zaihua the 11:31 publishes the article in October 29, 2009, the topic "Girlfriend To make public, Zheng Deyang Doubts Tibet Tenderly".
* to make public, Zheng Deyang doubted Tibet tender
Zheng Deyang adzuki bean Ding to graduate since the normal university has 2 year many until now, the side has been short many * naturally. In the past adzuki bean Ding has lived in the flowering shrubs, also does not have the media to discuss some related scandals, but the present has been different, the numerous dog young is paying attention to this matter.
good long time adzuki bean Ding urges “the gang said the w*” the question, but had not obtained carries out, therefore not substantive progress. The buttocks baby possibly has done in the near future the underground movement, causes “the rumor” to disclose the sign. National Day has the elder in Meng Ding to inquire this matter in front, adzuki bean Ding Shangneng justified oneself.
the official “has a concubine” according to Zheng Deyang on adzuki bean Ding causes the peripheral tumult event to respond, Zheng Deyang stated that indicates denied. Zheng Deyang said: Thanks attention, but such viewpoint, does not favor Zheng Deyang current in the Yunnan local area the peace and stability, and “saying on the girlfriend”, expressed manner ^-^ which did not support. the
shaddock thought that Zheng Deyang the event was a good deed, past g*is the pure g* a present's g*saying, since went underground, that should be may transit is “the w*” such concept. About this matter, we anticipated that adzuki bean Ding sooner realizes the sunlight operation.
annotation: “adzuki bean Ding” should be “slightly teases Ding”; “the shaddock” also Luo Zaihua, Zheng Deyang the official website specially labels.
(International friends a warm welcome, contact E-mail:121719780@qq.com ,if you wish)
上篇新闻:郑德杨 被评为先进教师 下篇新闻:陈卫民 校长光荣离职,郑德杨 追忆发表社论- 没有相关新闻